Does my fish have a bacterial infection?

Does my fish have a bacterial infection?

Does my fish have a bacterial infection?

Your fish can get a bacterial infection. These commonly happen after your fish has injured a part of its body. A common bacteria for your fish to encounter is Aeromonas salmonicida

What causes bacterial infections?

Many times the cause of these bacterial infections is due to poor water quality and poor diet. This can cause stress in your fish leading to a lower immune system and allow any bacterial infection to set in.

What are the symptoms of a bacterial infection

If your fish has a bacterial infection, these are some of the most common signs that you will see:

  1. Red spot on the body
  2. Ulcers on gills
  3. Enlarged eyes
  4. Swollen abdomen

What is the treatment of bacterial infections?

If your fish has a bacterial infection, your vet will prescribe antibiotics based on the bacteria that is present. There are some medications that you can buy online or at a local aquarium store to help treat bacterial infections.

A popular brand for many fish vets to recommend is API’s Furan-2 or Triple Sulfa. These are medications that you put into their water. Many fish will need to be transferred to a quarantine tank or hospitalized tank while they are being treated. Before going back to their main tank, the issue with the tank would need to be corrected, and the tank cleaned.

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